Government Excerpt Analysis

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Sometimes the government does not do what people want. Sometimes it does things that is only in their interest. In both excerpts 11.1, “John Ross, Excerpt from ‘Memorial and Protest of the Cherokee Nation’ (June 21, 1836),” and 11.4, “The Phalanx, Excerpts from ‘The Strike for Wages’ (November 4, 1843) and ‘The Ten Hour System’ (May 18, 1844),” the government takes away what the people want.
The first excerpt, 11.1, the government wants to remove the Cherokee from their land. The Cherokee know their rights so the government has to do something that was not supposed to happen. The government had to forcibly remove the Cherokee from their land. The reason behind this story is that the Cherokee denied the treaties that the government wanted in order to get all of the gold that was found on their land. Since the Cherokee from Georgia did not want to leave their land, the government removed them. They were abused for refusing the treaty. The reason the Cherokee did not agree to the terms was because the government was trying to get rid …show more content…

The people would rebel against the government when the payed wage was not raised. They started to go on strike when they knew that, that was not an option. Since their hours were cut to ten hours they wanted higher payed wages because with the money that they were receiving, they could not buy everything they needed. In this newspaper, the author is angry at the people. The author is mad because he notices that the people who want higher payed wages do not realize that there are more problems going on. All the people care about is themselves and not what is going on around them. The people did not like the fact that their hours were cut, so they were angry at the government for this. As a result, the workers rioted causing an uproar between the workers and the government. Sometimes things do not happen in which some wish it would

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