Gothic Litertature: John Keats, Emile Bronte, and Angelia Carter

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Since the creation of gothic literature in the late 18th century, it has provided authors the prospect to investigate the contentious ideas and views of this genre; they did this by their character’s behaviours, going against the expected social norms of the time. John Keats, Emile Bronte and Angelia Carter all present characters with these attributes, despite writing within different periods; and through these attributes they are effectively making the use of the gothic genre, being able to transgress social and moral boundaries. Madness, violence and fatal passions are closely associated with revenge, passion, sadistic and elements of control are shown by each writer’s protagonists in an attempt to make their audience feel captivated towards their suffering. On the other hand it could be perceived as each writer trying to explore the darker side of humanity, which confronts society’s cruel nature. Furthermore, the genre has an interest in identity and subjectivity, and alienates characters from their own self which sets them apart from society. The gothic genre emphasises the extremes of emotional and physical consciousness, such as Bronte’s characters Heathcliff and Catherine all-conquering love, and the extremes of location such as Keats isolation in a magical place in Lamia; and finally the imagery of blood, murder, passion as seen in carters work.
In Wuthering Heights, the passion-driven characters, such as Catherine; Heathcliff; and Hindley, pain leads them to torment others. Especially in Heathcliff and Hindley’s character, where both mirror each other personalities throughout the text, by inflicting pain provides them some relief; this behaviour suggest whether they are cruel by nature or are formed by childhood abuse; fu...

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... say that love is a sort of illness, and that it all comes to an end and that her admiral and brave nature to transform into this beautiful women for her lover could signify a mentality issue. This idea could be interpreted as his insecurities with the idea of love, and was it merely a phase of passion and desire? Furthermore, the idea that she is still entrapped in her ‘serpent prison-house’ could express further psychological torment that she is unable to escape, and that by abandoning society and living in a fairy like described palace she is invisible to everyone, so that her insecurities are shut away from the ‘busy world’.

Works Cited York notes John Keats
York notes Wutheirng Heights
York notes The bloody chamber AS & A2

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