Gossip Girl Character Analysis

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Gossip Girl, a television show based on Cecily von Ziegesars’ book series, follows the lives of a group of high society, privileged teenagers from the Upper East Side of Manhattan. In the series, the character Gossip Girl, is a mysterious, all-knowing blogger with a secret identity who reveals everyone’s darkest and most scandalous secrets (TV Guide). Through the use of her website and constant text message updates, all of Manhattan’s elite are subject to exposure via Gossip Girl. Regardless of how sensitive or disreputable, Gossip Girl shows no mercy for anyone, including the notable character, Chuck Bass. Charles “Chuck” Bass, one of the show’s main characters, was born and raised in the Upper East Side. Similar to many of the characters, Chuck comes from one of New York’s most powerful and elite families. Chuck’s father, Bart Bass, was the wealthy business owner of Bass Industries, a multi-million dollar company (VANITY FAIR). From an early age, Bart told Chuck that his …show more content…

Because Chuck has had several troublesome relationships in his past, in order for treatment to be successful, it is crucial the he develops a trusting relationship with his therapist. Kazdin, Marciano and Whitley (2005) acknowledge that a strong therapeutic alliance is a central component of CBT. Being able to reduce perceived barriers going into treatment can enhance the treatment experience, and can result in more positive outcomes for clients. For Chuck, the relationship he has with his therapist will be a major factor in how he will respond to treatment. Chuck has already made himself vulnerable by going to therapy and he needs to be in a supportive and positive environment so that he is able to realize that he is capable of building trustworthy

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