Gospel Meetings

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Same Question,
Different Answer

Years ago, a customary part of Gospel Meetings included a “Question and Answer” session. Following each sermon, the visiting preacher answered questions fielded from the audience. While preaching in a meeting at Hazlehurst, Mississippi an elderly gentleman asks, “Why is it that almost every time in the New Testament when somebody is told what to do to be saved, the answer is different”?

From my youth, I had been taught the plan of salvation, and in those answers; although, different on the surface, I saw harmony. But here was a person who didn’t understand. He was not an ignorant man by any means, but this was an area in which he had not made a thorough study.

We sometimes assume that because we know …show more content…

The first time anybody was told what to do to be saved after the Law of Christ went into effect was when Peter preached on Pentecost Sunday. He told his audience to “Repent and be baptized” (Acts 2:38).

While Paul and Silas were preaching in Philippi, they were arrested and thrown into prison. At midnight there was an earthquake and the prisoners were freed; however, they didn’t escape. The jailor, being impressed with the events of the evening, asked Paul what he needed to do to be saved and Paul told him to: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 16:30).

Then there was the time our Lord confronted Saul as he was about to enter the city of Damascus. Saul spent the next three days in darkness (Acts 9:9), thinking and praying about his condition. Then, when Ananias came to him he told Saul to “arise, and be baptized, and wash away your sins.” (Acts 22:16)

Three different men and three different answers; therefore, I can see how that would be confusing to a person; especially one who has not made a study along these …show more content…

So, I begin my journey and when I reach Memphis, I ask “How far is it to Nashville” and I am told that it is two-hundred miles away. Once again I am back on the road headed toward Nashville. When I reach Jackson, I ask again, “How far away is Nashville and I am told that the Capitol City lies to the east one-hundred twenty-five

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