The Spirit Of The Riddle Of Saul's Life

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those who solved his riddle because of his wife telling it unto them. As the result of his wife telling them the riddle, he was angry with her, so angry that he reasoned he would be better off without her, so he left his baggage behind and went back home to live without her. At the end of his life, he destroyed a temple of a heathen government.

The spirit of the LORD came upon Saul. I Samuel 10:6 tells of "the Spirit of the LORD" coming upon Saul In the future for a specific purpose, to equip him for service as a ruler, prophet, and king. Saul was to go to the Hill of God, and then go into the city where he would meet prophets coming down from the high place, and prophesy with them. Through the Holy Spirit, these offices when given …show more content…

This was when the Spirit of God came upon him, a spirit of prophecy, turning him into another man. He was given another heart which equipped him to rule and prophesy as the king, and he prophesied among the prophets that met him.

The Spirit of God, which is the same Spirit of the LORD, came upon Saul once again, when he heard about the cruelty that the Ammonites thought to do unto the residents of Jabesh-gilead (I Samuel 11:6). Saul then gathered an army together, went to the Ammonites, and fought against them in the early morning hours, scattering them where no two men stood together. After this battle, Saul was made a king.

When the Spirit of the LORD came upon David Samuel secretly anointed David, not among a number of folks awaiting his anointing, but among his brothers (I Samuel 16:13,14). David received the mental and intestinal fortitude, the knowledge and wisdom to rule, and the gift of prophesy that was given Saul, and David would become king not only to Judah but later to all Israel. The Spirit of the Lord, however, left Saul and left him without the ability to be a righteous king. By God's permission, he became with an evil spirit that troubled him and would be his downfall from being king. Nothing is indicative that it was Satan that troubled him, as it could be any evil spirit, but …show more content…

Asa then went about to rid the idols in the land and renew the altar of the Lord. As a result, there was no more war till the twenty-fifth year of his reign, because he did not rely on the Lord. In his thirty-ninth year of reigning his feet became diseased and yet he would not seek the Lord but sought doctors. He died in his forty-first year of being king.

The Spirit of God came upon Zechariah (II Chronicles 24:20) in the Spirit of prophecy as He did other Old Testaments saints, and equipping them for service. Zechariah stood above the people, meaning he stood on some sort of platform to elevate him above the people. There he prophesied unto them the Word of the Lord, that if their hearts are not right and forsake the LORD then the LORD would forsake them. They left the house of the LORD, and indeed they were forsaken.

So you see, the Holy Spirit came upon the Old Testament leaders for a specific purpose. In general, the indwelling Would have to wait till Pentecost, although there were exceptions. See Genesis 41:38; Numbers

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