Gone With The Wind And Romeo And Juliet Case Study

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Questions for the discussion board

How much of a romance is this book, on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 is the equivalent of Gone with the Wind or Romeo and Juliet)? After all, the book begins with a kiss.

There is certainly a romantic element to this book, however, it wasn’t the main plot. The most important storyline that this book addressed was Liyana’s gradual acceptance of a new way of life in a new country. The kiss at the beginning of the story was meant to emphasize Liyana’s age when the family moved from St. Louis, Missouri to Jerusalem. When I consider the romantic aspect of this book, I think of Liyana and her developing relationship with Omer. The book ended with Liyana realizing that you wanted to trade the best things you knew about with people you like and that you like someone for being themselves and for the parts of you that they bring out. I would rate this book at 4.5 for romance.

How much prejudice/partisanship does Nye show in her portrayal of the situation in the middle East? Is this really an American book about the situation? As always, explain your …show more content…

Will these sites work for children and young adults in expanding their points of view?How did they work for you?

Islam is a based on the ministry of Muhammad, peace be unto him and the words spoken to him by Allah through an angel, Gabrielle. I learned a lot from Woodlands Junior School and Allah’s Word. I wanted to have a brief overview of Islam, not specific religious teachings. These websites included Islam’s basic beliefs and rituals. They also defined the Qur’an and the significance of Muhammad, peace be unto him. A brief description of the 6 main beliefs that Muslims have was also outlined.

Please evaluate these websites for inclusion in our textbook. Your standard is: will the site help the reader to understand Islam and its relationship to the book

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