Globalization’s Effect on the Orangutan

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Many have profited from the auspicious time created by globalization, however globalization has had the opposite effect on orangutans. This endangered species once thrived throughout South East Asia but is now confined to the islands of Borneo and Sumatra. Companies producing palm oil, have repeatedly placed economical expansion before the well being of non-human elements such as the orangutan. These companies have expanded onto the rainforests in hopes of economic growth. The Orangutan Foundation International, started by the most prestigious primatologist studying orangutans, Birutė Galdikas, warns due to palm oil plantations, “an area of forest equal to 300 soccer fields is being destroyed every hour” (“Why is the Orangutan in Danger”). At this rate, the Indonesian rain forests will be virtually destroyed in twenty years. Additionally, globalization has broadened the market of illegal pet trade to surrounding countries, and increased the demand for orangutans. The destruction of the rainforests and increase of illegal pet trade has been especially devastating to the orangutans. The two main causes of their nearing extinction that will be explored in this paper are, first, conversion of their natural habitat into palm oil plantations and, second, the effects of human-orangutan conflict (HOC). In order to restore their population it is essential for people to be educated on the issue, the rain forests to be restored, and the production of unsustainable palm oil minimized.

The Issue

The Orangutan population has been dwindling for years, however within the past decade alone, the International Union for Conservation of Nature red list suggests the orangutan population has decreased by fifty percent (“Pongo Abeli...

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