Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola's Oration On The Dignity Of Man

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The Protestant Reformation and the Renaissance were both influenced greatly by individualism, specifically through the works of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Niccolo Machiavelli, and Martin Luther. These men aired their grievances with the Catholic Church through their written works. The exposure of these disagreements led to a revolt against the church which, in turn, ultimately led people breaking off from the Catholic Church in the fifteenth century, resulting in the formation of new religions.
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola influenced the Renaissance with his belief that free will was based on man’s own ability to choose his own destiny. His work “Oration on the Dignity of Man” was widely referred to as a “manifesto” of the Renaissance. He felt that due to that God given ability, humans had the ability to rise to the level of angels, which no other being could. With that he also felt the greatest potential for man lead to unity with God. This clashed with the Church because while Mirandola believed the key to free will and salvation was looking inward to one’s own faith and relationship with God while the Church taught that it should be the one intermediary between man and God. To show this Mirandola says “To you is granted the power of degrading yourself into the lower forms of life, the beasts, and to you is granted the power, …show more content…

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Niccolo Machiavelli, and Martin Luther greatly influenced people’s views on the church as well as the state. Without their thoughts and writings the Protestant Revolution wouldn’t have had the same impact, if it had any impact at all. The ideas from these scholars influenced people to break away from the Catholic Church, revolt against leadership, and create new religions such as Lutheranism. These actions changed the course of history and religion

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