Gimme Shelter: Tone And Style Analysis

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An article’s effectiveness is based on its tone and their different unique styles. In the two articles I comprehended from the movie, Gimme Shelter, the authors used different techniques to produce a different feeling for the readers. There are two main techniques to make an article effective: tone and style. Based on the style, movie review one appears to shows more seriousness and criticism while movie review two is more about informing the readers about the movie. However from tone wise, movie review one is more formal compared the movie review two. The use of tone and style contributes to the effectiveness of the two articles differently. To begin critiquing about movie one, movie review one mainly articulates about the movie summary, movie background, and the amount of effort they put in the movie in order to release it. The author Sandy comprised her movie with professional and serious tone to share her thoughts on this article. First of all, she describe the background of Gimme Shelter. “Inspired by a true story (the actual people are shown during the end credits), Gimme Shelter is a work of gritty social realism that draws from compelling real-life events, but fails to properly explore the many important issues that it raises.” (Screen Rant, Schaefer) As it is explained, Sandy mentioned is it the social issue that solely inspired this film. Second of all, Sandy openly and …show more content…

The reason her writing is more effective is because she shares her own thoughts. Not only that, she also uses a powerful and persuasive voice throughout her writing. Anne’s article aims at the correct way, except her techniques are not strong as Sandy’s. For a betterment, Anne should be more open and express her own thoughts and opinions with honesty like Sandy achieved. Obviously the two articles are both movie reviews. They primarily aim at movie lovers. Overall, they are both excellent articles about an excellent

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