Getting Back In Pointe Shoes

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Finding out that Coker was offering a pointe class, I was ecstatic to be able to finally get back in pointe shoes in a class level. Throughout pointe this far, I believe that I have am slowly getting back to where I was on pointe three years ago. However, there are things that I struggle at and I am not back one hundred percent where I could be. Getting new pointe shoes, I feel has allowed me to feel safer when rising on pointe than where I was on my old ones. One of my main goals that I have been focusing on, is ankle strength. Knowing that I have not been on pointe in a very long time, my ankles are not as strong as they used to. I notice this specifically when doing sous-sus’s in the center and during one legged relevés at the barre. Things I have been working on outside of class are Theraband strengthening ankle exercises. Normally I do the same exercises we did during class before that included, stretching the foot inward and outward as well as working on the arch of my foot. Another exercise I do outside of class to help with this is relevés. I normally try to complete three sets of ten every day. …show more content…

Considering that I have worked on this goal in ballet technique class, I have been working extra hard to focus on it in pointe because of being in pointe shoes. I feel that if my core is more engaged then I have better chance at balancing myself on pointe without the barre. I specifically find this more of a problem when doing pique turns across the floor. Exercises that I would do outside of class to help with this is yoga abdominal strength such as roll ups and just normal sit-ups. I complete this exercise every other

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