George Washington's Administration Analysis

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In everything that he did or said, Washington set an example and demonstrated what strong leadership might look like in the United States of America. Even in leaving the presidency, George Washington attempted to lead the way for future presidents. “The Constitution provided a blueprint for the republic. George Washington’s administration would translate the blueprint into a working state.” (Brunsman, Hämäläinen, Johnson, McPherson, Murrin, 2015). President George Washington and his administration were truly integral to the creation and survival of the American power structure. John Adams showed Washington very little respect. Adams often criticized Washington’s lack of formal education, often writing him off as “...too illiterate, unlearned, …show more content…

He established the first presidential cabinet. Washington appointed a Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of War, and an Attorney General. This tradition has been upheld ever since. At his inauguration in 1789, Washington ended his oath of office with the phrase “so help me God.” Every president has done the same during their own inaugurations. During his first year as president, Washington formalized Thanksgiving, formally proclaiming it a national holiday. He even set expectations for the President’s social life, working in the mornings and setting aside the afternoons for …show more content…

Congress and Washington had to make decisions that they had barely even thought about before. For example, how to address the president. They considered “Your Excellency”, “Your Highness”, and even “His Highness, the President of the United States, and Protector of the Rights of the Same.” Congress debated for days on end, only to be reminded that The Constitution’s Title of Nobility Clause forbade titles within the United States government. It was then that Congress agreed on addressing the president as simply “Mr. President”. This, too, is now standard and

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