Genesis 4-11 Analysis

675 Words2 Pages

Alethia Brewer
Box #1154
The Most Important Points of Genesis 4-11
The First Murder. Two sons of Adam and Eve are mentioned by name in chapter four, though they had other children. Cain was a farmer and Abel was a sheepherder and when the time came they brought offerings as a sacrifice towards God. Here is the first of many instances of the younger son being more obedient and blessed by God in contrast to the eldest child. Cain brought general produce for the sacrifice, but Abel brought the best of his flock. God then was pleased with Abel’s sacrifice, for Abel obediently brought the best of what he had with a sacrificial and joyous mindset. God was not pleased with Cain’s offering, for it seems that Cain did not obey God in what to sacrifice (4:7). Instead of repenting, Cain responds with anger. The Lord …show more content…

Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Noah planted a vineyard and became drunk and was naked in his tent. Ham saw thought of his father wickedly and shared his discovery with his brothers (9:22). His brothers did not respond the same way and instead covered their father without looking at him to preserve Noah’s dignity. Noah awoke and realized what had happened and cursed his son Ham (9:24). Ham was called Canaan and destined to be a slave to his brothers. Shem and Japheth were then blessed. Shem would be God’s chosen people, as shown by Abram (11:26), and Canaan would serve Shem. God would bless Japheth and he would dwell in Shem’s tents, perhaps alluding to salvation through the Jews (Shem’s descendants). Ham and his dependents became people groups and countries that often were in opposition to God and God’s people, most of these would be eventually destroyed and conquered by the Jews. Ham’s descendants lead the rebellion against God’s command to fill the earth at Babel. And because of the disobedience, God caused all many nations and languages to form in order that the earth would be

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