Gender Stereotypes In Disney Movies

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Disney sends subminimal messages to teach children life lessons and teach them right from wrong. In my research Disney also socially generalizes “Gender roles” as to how women and men should act towards each other. Disney movies and the messages behind them are questionable, it’s up to the parent to let their children know reality from fairytale.
What’s the Magic Behind Disney? Disney is labeled to be “The most magical place on earth”, as said by Walt Disney. Disney is a very magical place for children and families who have never experienced the theme parks and those for those are Disney obsessed. Disney has been around for so many years, and has changed in all aspects of its growth as a company from the content they put on their shows and …show more content…

An ethical message can vary between people and not everyone will agree with one another. Even though we might think that all parents agree with Disney’s princess image others don’t, it sends a message to girls making them think that they have to portray a certain body type image, listen to men, and must dress a certain way, can’t defend themselves etc. In the newest movie of Beauty and the Beast Emma Watson who played Belle in the movie had the costume maker re-make all the costumes because she refused to wear a corset and have little girls think that to be a princess they must have a small waist. I agree with her perspective on this because we as women, people in general come in all shapes and sizes and we shouldn’t have our girls think that they can’t be a princess because they don’t fit the body image as the one’s we see at Disney with the extremely small waist, super skinny, and tall. Parents need to teach children that as long their healthy they are still beautiful, it’s okay to watch their weight but not everyone will be tall and blessed with a small waist that’s unrealistic. Princess Merida, a Scottish teenage princess produced by Pixar, bought by Disney in 2006, created by Brenda Chapman “To give young girls a better, stronger role model, a more attainable role model, not just a pretty face that waits around for romance.” Merida is a strong female character that did not need a man to come to her rescue, in the movie she was proving to her father how she is better suited for herself against all the other men competing to prove their worth to marry the princess. She was able to defend herself and fix her own problems, this an ethical message in my opinion that most single mothers should show their daughters because women do not need a man to come rescue them, we can do things on our own and we can do anything we put our mind

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