Gender Inequality In Frankenstein Essay

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This quote really gets at what this paper is about. The book Frankenstein was written at a time when there was not much need for females in the workforce and they were mainly stay at home moms that cooked, cleaned, and took care of the children. Even though this book brought light onto Sci-Fi it did much more than that. Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, was only 19 at the time she wrote this book so she had lived all her life up to that point with an experience that will later have been taken care of in the future. This experience that is also in Frankenstein is the inequality of gender in.
As humans we understand that in order to make ‘man’ you need both a male and female, but in this book the wretch is the creation of only male. Victor finds the parts and sews them together to create this monster. The female is left out of the equation even though that is one of the female most important roles in life, being able to reproduce. In fact, the main role of women in the story is for the sake of making males learn a lesson from what happens to the women or just to make the story move along. A few prime examples of this are Elizabeth, Justine, and Margaret. From the beginning when Frankenstein is introduced to Elizabeth he thinks of her as a possession that is all his own. He says "I looked upon Elizabeth as mine-mine to protect, love and cherish. All praises bestowed on her I received as made to a possession of my own" (21). He wants to protect her and watch over her like he is a big brother. Another good example of a role of a woman in this story is with Justine. Justine is a servant for the Frankenstein’s. She is a very nice girl and is more of a sister to Victor than a servant. Her stay eventually ends when she is accu...

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...s not all that clear at first. But throughout the book you can see that females have one main role throughout the book and that is to bring out emotion in the male characters, make the males learn a lesson, or just to carry on the story. The few big things that bring out the inequality of genders is when male makes man, when Victor will not make a female for the wretch, and by the simple fact that the voices of the females are swallowed up by all of the male narrators. Even though Mary Shelley’s mother was an author to such a powerful feminist book, she was not around when Mary Shelley was growing up. She died when Mary Shelley was really young. The fact that she did not have an actual mother around when she grew up and the fact that she grew up in a not so friendly gender equality time period may have had an influence on her with the role of genders in this book.

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