Gender Identities In French Caribbean Literature

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Gender Identities in French Caribbean Literature
The masculine identity and the feminine identity in French Caribbean literature is far more complex and diverse in their gender roles than what one perceives in other varieties of literature. In this type of literature, masculinity is mostly depicted with forms of weakness, while femininity in French Caribbean literature is depicted with forms of strength, courage and determination. The question is why are gender identities in French Caribbean literature evolving so differently compared to other forms of works? These gender roles are unlike the typical gender stereotypes seen in the modern society that we know of today.
There are numerous examples of women in French Caribbean literature and their ability to triumph over major obstacles within their own lives is shown in the texts. What does it mean to be a woman of French Caribbean culture and identity and how is it shown in literature? Author Amy Garvey of the article Women as Leaders illuminates how Caribbean women are starting to become more influential leaders who “are extending ...

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