Gender And Interpersonal Relationships

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Today’s society has stretched the definitions of one’s gender. Today Facebook has over fifty genders to choice while creating an account. Apparently male, female and other is simply not enough in today’s standards. Other in itself seems like an unnecessary option, except for the rare cases when a person really is medically neither at birth, not what they think they can choose to suddenly be today. Being in a relationship with a person who is not capable of identifying with the way God made them would be difficult for many reasons. Men and women are different and both bring different dynamics to a relationship that are important for a good and healthy relationship. “The recognition of gender-specific ways of thinking and feeling -- rendered more credible given their established differences -- could prove beneficial in enhancing interpersonal relationships. However, the interpretation of the data also has the potential for abuse and harm if either gender would seek to construct evidence for superiority of the male or female brain from these findings.” The findings Dr. Courten-Myers is referring to in this quote of the fact that male and female brains actually have physical differences that affect their way of thinking. Differences in the brain may be subtle, but still affect the way people think. Men and women process language, …show more content…

God does not make mistakes and the differences in men and women are what balance each other out. Though being different one is not less than the other and Galatians 3:28 assures us of that with the words, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Men and women are different, but one in Christ. God created His children the exact way He wanted them, without

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