Gemeinschaft Vs Gesellschaft Analysis

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With the growth and development of several communities and overall society as a whole, time permits one to see the distinctions that formed a divide between Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft. Gemeinschaft, viewed as the traditional form of community, focuses on social relations of close family ties. Gemeinschaft is associated with a social stability through homogeneous culture, shared traditions and experiences, and territory. In contrast, Gesellschaft represents the modern community in which emphasis is placed on how instrumental social relationships are than affective. Due to the urbanization and mobility within Gesellschaft, social relationships are sparse and society may not carry stability. Because modern society cannot hold stability, However, territorial communities are isolated as a result of a “We vs. Them” mindset built upon different views and beliefs from other cultures and communities. The Village portrays the forming of an isolated community as the result of differences in beliefs as to how a society should function as a whole. Because the people are closed off from the rest of society and have limitations as to how far their community borders lie, they live within a restricted region. When Ivy goes to the “towns,” it is discovered that her father keeps Covington within a reservation, further enforcing this idea that Covington is a territorial community. The Elders persistently pushed the members of the Covington community to carry the same views, beliefs, and fears. By carrying the same views and beliefs, the inhabitants of the community are much more cooperative, thus resulting in stability and little to no violence within Covington. This “We vs. Them” mentality exists in the film as the Elders instill fear into the inhabitants with the unknown and present danger of “Those We Don’t Speak Of” and preventing them from ever reaching and being exposed to modern society and its As Gemeinschaft proved to have a homogeneous culture, Gesellschaft is racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse. In opposition to the homogeneous culture Gesellschaft promotes a sense of individualism, resulting in a variation in views and beliefs. While the variation in these views and beliefs can present obstacles to many, they are free to choose what to believe. The more traditional ways of Gemeinschaft isolate their community in attempt to create a greater divide between them and modern society. In Gesellschaft, there is space for movement. People travel, are exposed to different cultures, and gain new experiences. Gesellschaft does not shield people from the violence that occurs within society, but rather exposes them to it. Despite the evils present in modern society, people are exposed and still choose to be good. The Village makes this point when Ivy travels into the “towns” the park ranger of the reservation chooses to help her get the medicine she needs. The park ranger is familiar with the tragedies, violence, and evils because he lives in the modern society; however, that does not stop him from doing something he personally believed was right and

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