Game: Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

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System Rock, paper, scissors game is a game using a bare hand. A hand that forms three different shapes. The shapes are rock (a closed fist), paper (a flat and an open hand) and scissors (index and middle fingers forming V). This game always had been played for so long time either for kids or also for an adult. How to win this game, you need to know the basic of the game: Rock smashes scissors – rock wins Paper covers rock – paper wins Scissors cut paper – scissors wins If the player 1 and player 2 throw same shape then the game is draws. For the some reason this game still popular until now is the game fun to play or when two friends bet for something for have some fun, they probably just throw a hand shape of rock or paper or scissors. But …show more content…

computerScore++; win = -1; } else if (picks[computerChoice].equals("SCISSORS")) { playerScore++; win = 1; } } else if (choice == paper) { playerPick.setText("You choose PAPER"); if (picks[computerChoice].equals("ROCK")) { playerScore++; win = 1; } else if (picks[computerChoice].equals("PAPER")) { tieCount++; win = 0; } else if (picks[computerChoice].equals("SCISSORS")) { computerScore++; win = -1; } } else if (choice == scissors) { playerPick.setText("You choose SCISSORS"); if (picks[computerChoice].equals("ROCK")) { computerScore++; win = -1; } else if (picks[computerChoice].equals("PAPER")) { playerScore++; win = 1; } else if (picks[computerChoice].equals("SCISSORS")) { tieCount++; win = 0; } } theDashes.setText("vs."); String winString = "The Champion: "; if (win == -1) { theWinner.setText(winString + "Computer"); } else if (win == 0) { theWinner.setText(winString + "none"); } else if (win == 1) { theWinner.setText(winString + "You"); } theYou.setText("theYou: " + playerScore); theComputer.setText("theComputer: " + …show more content…

User Manual The player needs to choose and click a button to start playing. Then when the player has chosen the button then the computer will take turn to choose. Then after that, the results will come out. It would turn to be champion or tie or lost. The player can play how many round they want it. 7.

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