Game Programming and Engineering

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Game programming and engineering are similar careers that involve both programming skills and patience. There are many fields in game programming and engineering, however, the fields of Artificial intelligence programing (AIP), Robotic engineering (RE), Lead Game play programming (LGP), and Software engineering (SE) are the most similar in the comparison of programmers and engineers. AIP and RE are both almost the same because in both careers you are programming a computer and/or robots to perform an action of a system of experience and react. While LGP and SE both create the programs for new games and/or operating systems but they both go through the same process of collaborating with their team and designing the programs systematically. They all share similar tools to code and program, but also require the same skills like, advance computer skills, the ability to think in multiple intelligences, and the ability to think of new innovative technology in order to be successful in their careers. In the field of Robotics, you must be able to explain specifically what you want your robot to do. Computers and robots are typically dumb before programs are installed or coded onto them. For example when you write the code for a robot to pick up shoes and move them to your bedroom you have to say if shoes are places in this area, then the Robot will pick up shoes and move them to bedroom else Robot will remain sleep. To be a truly successful though as a Robotic engineering, there’s a quote on Princeton review that explains the main skill RE must have which is that “The engineers who can best anticipate needs which can be successfully filled by robots, and who can work effectively in engineering teams to develop them, will be ext... ... middle of paper ... ...ut present consoles, their abilities, limitations, and the “memory and CPU” budgets limits. Finally the article says, “Lead game play programmer should be an effective leader and excellent communicator.” in order to be successful. Game programmers and Engineers are similar in their career fields. Both including critical thinking, programming skills, innovation for new technology, and patience. Some use the same programs and/or similar programs too in order to code or program new products. Throughout my research, I discovered that both fields are growing and becoming more in demand. Although game programming are said to be a not so stable job I think their equal in stability with engineering jobs. Since the gaming industry is growing as well and not go anywhere for a long time. All around both fields are interesting and seem fun to be a career in the future.

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