Game Of Thrones Satire

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It’s 8pm, Joshua just finished eating dinner, a large hamburger, along with large fries, and a diet coke to keep the diet. Joshua, planned to have an ice cream, but unfortunately the ice machine was broken (bummer), he makes his way home, a 15-minute walk becomes a 4 minute Uber ride, very convenient, on his ride home he gets to play a two Clash Royale matches. Game of Thrones is on at 9pm, Joshua made it right on time. Well the show is over, he perhaps should not watch a show like GOT, since he is only 16, but mom is working overnight and dad does not care. Well the day is almost over but Joshua has one more activity left, after watching two hours of television he heads to his room, turns on his gaming PC and plays Call of Duty for a few hours.

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