Friar Lawrence's Diary of Events Leadings to Romeo and Juliet's Deaths

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Friar Lawrence's Diary of Events Leadings to Romeo and Juliet's Deaths Monday 17th June Eventually, Romeo has finally realised there is more to life than Rosaline Atkins. He came this morning talking of marriage to a Capulet. The beautiful daughter named Juliet. At first I didn't know what to say, my first reaction was anger, I can't believe that his love would change so quick from one person to another. I mean who would have ever thought that a Montague would marry a Capulet. It could cause such tension within the families, but then I thought, maybe it would bring both families together. But it doesn't matter if I do/do not think they are right for each other. I'm here to marry them, not judge. So the small ceremony took place later, early afternoon. But the happy day didn't last long, Romeo came to me mid-afternoon confessing to the murder of Tybalt. What could I say? I had never murdered anyone before. I advised him to visit his wife, Juliet and to talk to her. He is probably there now. Tuesday 18th June I had a visit from Paris today, asking me to marry him and Juliet! She seems a very popular young woman. But I am felling that the situation is getting more twisted and confusing. And I regrettably had to lie to Paris and tell him that I could wed him and Juliet, he then set the date for their wedding and although I know it is impossible for them to marry I went along with it. And I am starting to think that I am complicating the situation. I know I should have told him but I couldn't. I went to Juliet instead and told her that Paris wants to marry her on Wednesday. She was distraught so I suggested a potion to kill her so she wouldn't have to marry him. The only way I could persuade her not to kill herself was to offer her a potion, which gives the illusion of death. It will make her unconscious for

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