French Personal Narrative

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Essay 2 One of my mom’s favorite stories from my childhood, is one where at five years old I make a life altering decision. She occasionally tells this story when someone asks her, “how did your daughter get into french” or, if she just feels like bragging about me. According to her, she went into a bank and left me listening to the radio in my booster seat in our black van. Upon her return, I exclaimed, “ Mommy, I’m going to french school”, as clearly and factual as if I had just said that the sky was blue; to this unusual exclamation my mom asked,“ what are you talking about?”. I responded “ I heard on the radio that I can learn to talk french”, and my mom said, “ You’re school doesn't teach french”, but my determined 5 year old self was not done with the idea, “ that's okay, I will start in grade one”. We went home and discussed the idea with my dad. While my parents were supportive, they did bring up a few persuasive elements against going into immersion, such …show more content…

Allowing me fantastic experiences that aided in personal development. One such experience occurred after grade 10, and it ignited the travel bug inside me. I went on a one month exchange to france where i got to not only improve my language skills but I made some incredible friends and got to see an entirely different part of the world. My family lived in Aix-en-Provence in southern france so while i didn't get to see any castles I did get to go scuba diving for the first time. During my stay the family also took me for a week to Corsica and another week in italy. This experience was not only incredible for sightseeing but also i learnt a ton about a new culture and gained a sense of independance after being away from home for the first time and surviving a month an entire ocean away from my mom. I would have never had this experience and I certainly would not have adapted so well into their home had i not taken 9 years of french

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