Freedom to Choose Courses

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College is a place where most student go after they finish their High School. The mainly purpose for entering a college is to learn deeper material about the subject they like and interested in. We have to pick a minimum credit or minimum courses hour for 8 semesters so we can graduate. However, the education system for some countries still implement the compulsory subject for students. The compulsory subject is prepared to make the student keep in track with their major courses and learn everything that related to their subject. Unfortunately, some students don’t like all of the subject in the compulsory section and lose their intention to learn more seriously. I support the view that college students should have freedom to choose their own courses. This Essay will mainly discuss about the pro and con effect giving freedom to student to choose their own courses.
There are some benefit if students can choose their own courses during college. The students that choose their preferred class will be more focus during the class. The connection that created during study session will be stronger so the students will more willingly to study and earn better grades. Another reason is because the different style of teacher in teaching. Every teacher has their unique way of teachings, and every students also have different preferred style of teaching. By giving a chance to students to pick their teacher that match their method of learning, students will feel more comfortable and this psychological factor will affect them to get better result in that class. In spite of the fact that this really useful for students, the good mark doesn’t represent a good skills for the people. There are some class that useful to train the skills of some people....

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...e able to manage their own time no matter how complicated their schedule is. The random class also helps the students to know their colleague better because they meet new people in different classes.
To sum up, the freedom to choose the class for college student should not be allowed because there is no real prove that the students will use their freedom well. There is also no guarantee that the students will get better mark with the class they choose because the university itself don’t know either the students interested in the class or because their friends are in that class. The management from the college already prepared well so students will get classes that will be useful for their major in future and the chance for the students to meet vary people and train themselves in public. This is the reason why freedom to choose their own courses shouldn’t be applied.

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