Free Tuition In Public Colleges

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The issue of whether or not tuition in public colleges should be free in the United States has been the question to many politicians, students, parents, and people recently. Free tuition seems like a positive thing to most people, but what those individuals have not looked beyond the word “free”. Advocates such as Bernie Sanders have argued why tuition should be free, and have made plans for this change. Free colleges tuition to many people is very appealing, but the big picture of free colleges can have big effects on the economy, and public colleges across the United States. Concern about the cost of tuition for college students leads many of us to oppose that to attend college you should have to pay a tuition. We worry that if tuition …show more content…

While these statements are all true for the most part, the bad outweighs the good in this situation. The overall effects that free tuition will have is bigger than college students being debt free. Having to pay for and worry about the costs of college is not necessarily a bad thing. “Students may not learn to become as financially literate or independent as they should be, choosing instead to stay dependent on government programs whenever possible. It is very possible for anyone that cannot afford college to seek grants, scholarships, and financial aid.” (Trade Schools). Many people also have argued that this plan will help low income families, which it will, but there are plenty of families that can afford to send their children to college. While I do agree that the cost of college tuition is very high and many people struggle to send their students to college for that reason, as most advocates of free college think, I do not agree that free college is the answer. More student aid and scholarships should have more funding in order to help resolve the …show more content…

If college is easily accessible to so many people, that also means that the access to degrees will be easier. If everyone can be a lawyer, a doctor, or have a higher degree than high school for free then how can everyone be able to have a job in that specific field. “Many people see education as an investment to a better career, but it is unfortunate that the same employment could previously be obtained without such an expensive price tag” (The Crimson White). The point of college is to be able to pay for a higher education and in return you will be able to have a better career. If anyone can easily get a degree and more and more people are attending college as said in an article by Sarah Howard “a four-year degree will soon be too standard and it will take a master’s degree or higher to have a comfortable income”. Essentially if college is free for everyone it is defeating the purpose of college and reversing the effect because in the end it will take more time to graduate with a degree that will provide a comfortable income, and cost more because of living

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