Free Speech: The Importance Of Freedom Of Speech

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Freedom of speech is the right to express or communicate an individual’s ideas, views and opinions without any obstructions or fear of punishment. It is not limited to speech alone, and includes written and other forms of communication such as freedom of press which gives one the right to question, criticize and voice their opinions. Freedom of speech (or expression) is a fundamental human right which is also recognized by the constitution of India.
The constitution of India guarantees individual rights which are stated in articles 19, 20, 21 and 22. Article 19 being the most important, makes the freedom of speech and expression, a fundamental right. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, provides, in
Free speech is the gateway to the actual truth of the world. A free society is like a breeding ground for innovation, creativity and new ideas to flourish and flaunt. Unhindered speech acts as a tool for the journalists and media to expose the corruptive methods adopted by those who abuse power. But its importance goes on to play a very crucial role in any decision making in a society, as it is preceded by discussion and consultation of different and wide range of
Some of the incidents include:
▪ The Charlie Hebdo shooting incident, as a result of the French magazine's controversial depiction of the Prophet
▪ the banning of the documentary film 'India's Daughter' directed by Leslee Udwin, based on the December 16, 2012. Delhi gang-rape.
▪ banning of the novel 'Satanic Verses' written by Salman Rushdie, for its blasphemous references to the Islamic community.
▪ the arrest of the two girls in Thane, for posting a comment against the shutdown in Mumbai after the death of Bal Thackeray and for liking it.
These incidents highlight the restrictions of freedom of speech and expression even in the present day world, despite it being a fundamental right of an individual.
Censorship is all about perspective and it will always remain a heated debate with arguments and counter arguments. Here are some of the different viewpoints:
Viewpoints that support

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