Free Rewriting

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Freewriting is a high-speed and secure method to use to get ideas about finding something to write about quickly."Focused Freewriting is a study strategy may improve as a student gain increased familiarity with it."(Hinkle,1990).Freewriting is a writers technique design to produce raw, often unusable material and help writer overcome writer block.

When you apply the freewriting technique, it allows you to choose many different topics almost without thinking. Your mind is full of all type of things just waiting to come out. Many struggles with this which some call this writer's block. Freewriting unlocks this by just letting the mind flow and just merely pour it out freely and it clear out distracting thoughts.Concerning respect to the development of writing skills, advocates of freewriting suggest its use as a daily exercise to generate images(Elbow 1973).

Writing for me is great when you can just let your thoughts flow and just express yourself about the way you feel about that topic. As for me, I'm not a good writer, but I think this class will help me to become a better writer.My fear of writing is getting my thoughts out in my writing knowing how to express myself with the right words or phrases indeed. When I think about the value of being able to communicate ideas through writing what comes to mind is the thought of expressing myself by …show more content…

Then perfect your craft by practice over and over and read to expand your vocabulary to become a better writer.Critical thinking plays a significant part in writing as well as know how to write and correct punctuation and grammar.There's a lot that comes into play when it to writing. Things like Planning,drafting, revising, editing and proofreading and submitting(Vandermey, 2012). It all has to do with becoming a good writer, which takes practices, patience, and determination to become a good

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