Free Narrative Essays: Progression Of Key Moments In My Life

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My Life Life is a progression of small events that add up one big picture. Let’s call this picture a painting. Every single event can be considered a brush stroke on the canvas that is you. The colors of your painting are decided by key moments in your life. Moments that are life changing and change your very being as a person. My key moments are life lessons and realizations that have effected who I am as a person thus far. One of my very first keys moments was taught to me by my younger brother. He had a better grasp on the scope of life than I had at that moment. He spoke of the interconnectivity of life in the most comprehensive way any 10 year old could. At this moment I began to understand and consider the magnitude of life. My second key moment came from the compassion in my …show more content…

I had sacrificed my time and seat on a flight and ran the risk of upsetting my parents for a complete stranger. The stranger ran the risk of never seeing his mother alive again. A small sacrifice for a much bigger purpose in the life of another. Sacrifice on any scale makes a difference, and that’s what I learned that day from myself. My third lesson was taught by my mother, a woman who will forever be caring and forgiving. Given her own war ridden past, she still manages to forgive people who have caused her so much pain and suffering. A situation with a former friend presented me with a chance to learn forgiveness. My mother preached forgiveness my entire life but, I never grasped what it truly was until I was put in the situation. My forth lesson derived from my first true loss. I was only 10 years old when I lost my best friend, my cousin and someone I considered my brother. That was the first moment I fully wrapped my head around death. I knew of it but, never really comprehended it and thought

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