Fred's Cocoamone Summary

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2. In the article it presented a story of a man named Fred. Tragically he was in an accident, which caused him to damage him cocoamone. The cocoamone is a hormone that is responsible for the experience of chocolate. Fred absolute loved chocolate and got joy out of eating it before his accident. However, after the accident the chocolate offered nothing to him, it was simply bland. Fred wanted more than anything to experience the pleasure he once had for chocolate again so he set out and found a solution. He learned that severely abused puppies can produce cocoamone even though they don’t usually. Unfortunately, there was no way for Fred to just go out a buy cocoamone from puppies at Walmart or another grocery store. Which caused him start his …show more content…

A few differences between Fred and factory raised meat eaters is that Fred abuses and kills the puppies himself while most of the factory raised meat eaters purchase their meat that has been abused and killed by others. Another difference is the factory raised meat eaters are often unaware of the torture that animals go through, since most of the eater purchase their meat at grocery stores where it is cleanly wrapped. Fred on the other hand, sees and gives the torture, he knows the pain and sadness suffered by the puppies, and still chooses to consume their cocoamone. The article also gave a view of a factory raised meat eater. They think that their actions are completely different from Fred’s. They think that if Fred stopped killing puppies for their cocoamone he would save many lives. On the other hand, they the factory raised meat eaters thinks that if one person alone stopped buying and eating meat, no animal would be saved. This is because to them meat factory business are too large to be affected by one person. Therefore, they might as well enjoy the animals even though their enjoyment does not justify the suffering the animals went

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