Norcross: Torturing Puppies And Eating Meat Summary

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Norcross: Torturing Puppies and Eating Meat In Norcross agreement, he believes that people should not purchase factory farming meat because it is morally wrong. Norcross supports his beliefs with the use of an argument of analogy between Fred torturing puppies for the pleasure of chocolate and meats from factory farm raised animals. In Norcross’ argument of analogy, Fred can no longer enjoy chocolate from a traumatic brain injury. Therefore, Fred needs the chemical cocoamone to regain that pleasure. Fred discovers that a puppies’ brain contains the chemical cocoamone that will only excrete while enduring extreme suffering and stress. Fred accomplishes the creation of the chemical by keeping the puppies confined in a small caged area and mutilating …show more content…

However, billions of animals endure intense suffering every year for precisely this end.” Norcross was referring to the animals in a factory farms that produce meat to sell in supermarkets. Norcross explains the factory farms animals live cramped and stress-filled lives. The animals also undergo mutilations without any anesthesia. In the end of the factory farms’ animal life, they’re butchered for the production of meat such as chicken, veal, beef and pork to sell for a profit in places such as a grocery store or …show more content…

Norcross expresses that when he said that “it is, of course unfortunate for Fred that he can no longer enjoy the taste of chocolate, but that in no way excuses the imposition of severe suffering on the puppies.” Therefore, Norcross believes Fred is morally wrong for having the puppies suffer in order for him to be able to enjoy the taste of chocolate again. In Norcross’ next premises, he believes that people whom purchase and eat factory farm meats while knowing what torture that animals endure in the farms are equally morally wrong like Fred with the puppies. People who consume factory meats are doing that for their own pleasure too, like Fred. According to Norcross, people do not need to consume meat for health reasons. Norcross points out that the majority of people who eliminate meats from their diet, do not suffer any ill health issues and can live healthy without

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