How Does Mary Shelley Create A Futile Attempt To Create The Perfect Human

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Throughout the novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley chose to have her protagonist Victor Frankenstein create a being out of human parts and give it life without the natural conception, in a futile attempt to create a human free of original sin, because when sin entered the world through our own choosing we became like the creature at birth, flawed. In the course of the novel, the creature learns the same truth that Victor Frankenstein discovered in the end. It is impossible to self create a divine purpose in one’s own life. Victor Frankenstein attempts to create a life without sin. His pursuit of creating this new life comes from his desire to create a perfect human being that would be conceived without original sin or any of the imperfections …show more content…

Although the full-grown body he is brought to life in enables his physical survival, its monstrous size points to infantile dependence and vulnerability as the conditions that Frankenstein conception denies. (1)
The creature is large in size and even more physically developed than a normal human being but he is still new to the world and needs support from a father …show more content…

She hints at the feminist notion that parental nurturing plays a crucial role in the development of a person. Creating a human being without any natural birth from a mother, and the subsequent abandonment of the creature, defies not only feminist view of childbearing and rearing, but also natural forces. Anne K. Mellor describes Frankenstein as “…a book about what happens when a man tries to have a baby without a woman. As such, the novel is profoundly concerned with natural as opposed to unnatural modes of production and reproduction” (2). In an attempt to give life, Victor creates a creature out of “raw materials”. This interferes with the power of man over nature. He has defied the forces of nature, pursuing his goal with an obsessive determination to regenerate life, which only causes him to deeply regret his actions. With so much ambition and hard work, Victor takes on God’s role and wields a lot of power by creating a being that he is responsible for, but that once it comes to life, does not meet his expectations. This is described when Victor first sees the creature and runs away from it, triggering the events to

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