Frankenstein Monster Monologue

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Closer and closer it came, it was getting bigger and bigger. I was lost and alone. The house was bigger than it looked. The sights were horrifying. Blood covered furniture, corpses, bullet holes. The smell was not pleasant. It smelled like rotten corpse. I couldn’t imagine what happened to those who were once people. I was running. I felt like I was going to pass out. The monster caught up, I couldn’t run anymore. I felt weak . I didn’t want the monster to take me. Before I knew it, I passed out. I saw wide eyes. Startled, I woke up. I knew the monster was in the room. Out of nowhere, I began running. I was so desperate to get out, I ran without thinking. I saw my knee was bleeding. I probably scraped it when I fell. I didn’t know the monster could sense my blood. It began chasing me right after I began running. I tripped over a corpse. The monster caught up to me right when I tripped. I was screwed once again. This time, the monster held me tight. I felt like if he didn’t let me go I would pass out. He didn’t let go, but he did loosen his strength. I …show more content…

He thought about putting me in a rusty cage. The monster did exactly what he was thinking of. I noticed that from so much running (and capturing me) the monster grew tired. I was sitting inside the cage when I saw that he was going to doze off. I saw that the rusty cage had a lock. It looked really weak, so I decided to try to break it. It was stronger than it looked, but I was still able to break it. Quietly, I walked out the cage and the room. I was tired, so I walked down the stairs. As soon as I got down, I began looking for the door. I found it. I went outside and it felt so good to be free. I saw lights. I started running towards it. I started getting closer, and I saw the shape of a car. The person in the car, was not a person. It was the monster. I began running the opposite way trying to get away. I lost him and I was getting away

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