Year 11 Creative Writing

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The warm summer day was coming to a close. The moon would soon replace the fiery sun. The bright stars would illuminate the sky and the crickets would start chirping. I was a night owl. I hated waking up at the crack of dawn I instead would stay up into the wee hours of the night. Laying out on my balcony gazing up at the stars was my favorite thing to do. But tonight, I couldn’t stop replaying last nights events in my head. I was watching Jurassic World in the basement of my childhood home. The wallpaper was outdated with its floral print and the green carpet had one two many stains. But I didn’t care it was home and nothing was going to change that. Just as Chris Pratts character slid under the gate of the raptors cage a loud bang startled me. I jolted and flipped the bowl of popcorn onto the floor. I shook my head. Its an old house it was just the house settling. I …show more content…

My heart was beating erratically my whole body was trembling, silent tears ran down my face. His other hand grasped my legs. I couldn’t move I was paralyzed by fear. Come soon I thought. Please someone come help me. I tried to scream but to anvil. His grubby fingers were digging into my calves as he jostled me around. He was trying to through me over the railing. I kicked my feet attempting to break his hold it was no use I was falling. My life flashed before my eyes. I could faintly hear my mom screaming in the background, police sirens sounded from everywhere and before I knew I was hitting the ground. But instead of being hard like I had imagined it would be, it was soft almost like a pillow. I opened my eyes and saw the officers slap some sliver handcuffs onto the intruder’s hands. That brought instant relief he could no longer harm me. I took in my surroundings and realized I had landed on a mattress. Had that been there? My mom rushed over to me and gently pulled the duct tape off my

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