Foundations of a Just Society

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"In justice every virtue is summed up" (Aristotle 114). Upon the founding of a community, leaders often want to reach an ideal just society. In order to reach this state of justice, they set forth principles to guide and shape the newly-founded civilization. Unfortunately, the correct values are frequently either misused or not put into practice. This can lead to a decline in a community, where the people never reach a point of true justice. Therefore, a just society must have its basis in solid beliefs. This foundation is achieved through the principles set forth by Aristotle and the teachings of virtue in the New Testament. Laws should regulate people's actions. Each individual should receive equal distributions of items, and in order for the civilization to remain just, each person should lead a virtuous life.
Laws hold a society together as a means of protecting the people and creating order. Aristotle states, "For the just exists only among men whose mutual relationship is regulated by law, and law exists where injustice may occur. For legal judgment decides and distinguishes between what is just and what is unjust" (Aristotle 129). He explains that humans are fallible creatures, and at times they need a form of regulation when they veer off the path of justice. Thus, in order to hold society together a set of laws should be enacted, along with a council to preside over the laws created. Even Jesus knows the importance of a set of laws when he answers his disciples, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind. [...] You shall love your neighbor as yourself" (The Holy Bible 24). The greatest commandments given in the New Testament cover two main areas of being faithful...

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...mans are still fallible creatures, who are not likely to act virtuously. While most societies have laws to govern the people, members are only punished when they act unjustly on a greater level towards others, such as killing another person or stealing. Members often seek equality with ideas such socialism, like China and Russia. Nevertheless, over time, they evolve into communism, and they often fall into ruin, because the system becomes corrupted by members with higher social status. The failings with the just society today lie in the individual who does not live a virtuous life. Either they do not care to have justice within themselves or they do not recognize the impact their unjust actions have on the people around them. While members in a civilization live without virtue, it would be difficult for an ideal just society to exist.

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