Fortuitous Encounters In The Children Of Huang Shi

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What is a fortuitous encounter? According to Davis and Spears, “[they are] close moments where a person, place, or thing causes our lives to change in a more positive direction” (p. 1, 2013). This movie is about the invasion of the Japanese into China during the 1930’s. This movie illuminates the cruel and horrific pain that was inflicted on many innocent Chinese. Throughout The Children of Huang Shi, there were numerous fortuitous encounters that effected the lives of those involved. For example, the first fortuitous encounter was when George Hogg’s life was saved by Chen. Hogg, an Englishman and journalist, was about to be beheaded by the Japanese because of what he saw and took pictures of (mass killings of innocent Chinese people) when Chen, a Chinese communist, saved his life. This fortuitous encounter changed George’s life by the fact that he was still alive. Since he was still alive, Chen encouraged him to go to Huang Shi. Once George first arrived to Huang Shi, the children, who happen to all be orphans, were not so welcoming, but a nurse named Lee encouraged him to stay with the children and make sure that they were taken care of until she returned. Although George was not pleased to stay there with the children, he eventually was able to lead and reform these boys through his love and compassion. …show more content…

George was able to transform dysfunctional boys into a thriving and self-sufficient community by listening to these boys with a compassionate heart. He recognized that each boy had different strengths to offer their community. Burley-Allen (1995) states, “true listening promotes cooperation; it assumes the other person has worth, dignity, and something to offer” (p. 12). It is evident that George recognized the dignity in each boy and his true listening provided a thriving

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