Forrest Gump Vietnam War

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The movie Forrest Gump is one of the most well-known movies of the 90's, and has received the Academy Award for Best Picture. It goes through the life of a man named Forrest Gump, a slow-witted man who people often underestimate. The movie is not only known for it's memorable scenes and dialog, but also as a reminder of the life changes for the average American throughout the decades. Forrest encounters many issues from real life of the 50's all the way down to the 80's. Some of the greatest events Forrest encounters is his love-interest Jenny contracting AIDS before the public awareness of the disease, and being enlisted in the Vietnam War. Many events in the movie deem the movie "unrealistic", but could these events be plausible for Forrest …show more content…

It was less likely though, for Forrest to have met Bubba, as there was only 12.5% of African-Americans in the war. It's definitely possible, but far less likely than Forrest going to war all by himself. Also, at this point Forrest most likely would have been around 21 years old, since that's the average age for the soldiers. It was also very likely for Forrest to have encountered harassment from the American public, after coming back from the war. This is shown when Forrest goes to a Black Panther meeting with Jenny and Jenny's boyfriend calls Forrest a "baby …show more content…

This is not accounting for other events in the movie which could be the main reason for the movie being defined as "unrealistic", such as Forrest being the one who caused the Watergate scandal. It's very likely for Forrest to have went to the Vietnam War, as 2.5 million soldiers went to war. And it was also very likely for Jenny to have had contracted AIDS, as she had multiple sexual partners, which increased her chances of catching it. The movie shows great examples of the biggest events during the past couple decades, and will be remembered for it's memorable

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