Forms Of Plagiarism

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Plagiarism is the action of taking other people’s work or ideas into you own work without proper acknowledge of the original source. There are many forms plagiarism can take place and as a CPA candidate, it is crucial to understand the forms of plagiarism and how to avoid it. Forms of plagiarism Lack of citation Plagiarism includes copying from other sources without citing original author of the material in one’s work. This can happen when a CPA candidate is conducting a research on topics that he/she is not familiar with and copying the definition or ideas from the source without acknowledging the original document or author in his/her assignment. This form of plagiarism is more common when candidate conduct online search and taking from …show more content…

This can happen when candidates are writing a paper and conduct a lot of research upfront without proper notes of the source of the citation. When quoting the source, mistakes were made to include the wrong quotation of source. Improper paraphrase Plagiarism can also take place when someone taking ideas from the original author and delete or change several words of such idea to claim as one’s own work without citing the original author. This often happens when composition a research paper or work that requires a lot of research. Information of others Another form of plagiarism is when candidate submitting assignment which contains information or template that is not one’s own work. This happens when a candidate obtained materials or files from previous candidate and included prior candidate’s work in his/her own assignment. Proper citation of information from solution or another candidate’s work is still considered as a form of plagiarism. Another form of plagiarism is when candidates splitting an assignment amongst themselves and acknowledge each other’s work in the assignment. Assignments are meant to be completed by each candidate himself/herself. Sharing ideas and discussion between Candidates are encouraged by CPA program, but splitting homework is not …show more content…

(n.d.). Retrieved December 02, 2017, from Rephrase of an idea that is others need to be used carefully to avoid being conceived as plagiarism. Rephrase can be helpful when it is used to support the ideas of the work. Improper rephrase can be plagiarism. There are still requirements of citation on rephrase or re-wording of the original source. Planning and Outlining When candidate is facing with unfamiliar topics, preparing an outline is a helpful tool to guide himself/herself through the process of compositing assignment. Having a clear outline can assist candidate in seeking sources to support his/her own ideas instead of compiling ideas from other authors. It was recommended that candidates take more detailed notes as to the source of each citation that was originated. Organize the sources and citation notes before the start of the composition process. Review each citation before finalizing the assignment to ensure the accuracy of

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