Foreclosure: A Short Story

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Fixer Upper I remember the morning my mom told me that we would no longer be living in the only home I had ever known; it was right before spring break of my fifth grade year. My mom was a single parent, and had been for as long as I could remember. She was always strong, always a hard worker, always able to persevere; but the odds were against her. At first, I saw the words for sale and not long after the word foreclosure. She was a single, Hispanic woman earning no more than minimum wage in a grocery market, with no green card, and unable to speak English fluently. At first I had no idea what the word “foreclosure” meant, but soon found out that the bank was going to take our home and ruin my mom’s credit in the process. She could not afford …show more content…

If he were a liberal, he might have done it once. He would not have bought a top of the line car, but one to get him from point A to point B. A libertarian or progressive would have taken public transportation. An anarchist would have not refinanced his loan, but instead invested in a good bike. The four civic stances are: liberals, libertarians, conservatives, and anarchists. For a long time, I had no idea of the difference between any of these. I had an idea of what an anarchist was, the article by David Graeber explained it clearly enough. It says “Most people seem to think that anarchists are… against all forms of order and organizations. Plus, the thought of “blowing up everything”.” Liberals are more of the stance that the government must be neutral, having personal morality, but much like the conservatives, they think the government should not manage the economy. Liberals and libertarians believe “that it must leave people free to live as they think best, as long as they do not harm others”. Libertarians and liberals are not far from each other; they have the same stance on morality in the government, both believing that the government …show more content…

Recently Obamacare came was implemented, allowing low income people to have access to health care. Without health care being readily available, many were not able to afford medications or routine medical care. It is more expensive for people to be uninsured because preventable health issues become life threatening since they remain untreated until the problem becomes severe. Because the resulting medical treatment is not affordable, this also dips into the taxes money due to the unpaid bills falling on tax payer responsibility. Many people before Obamacare chose not to seek medical care due to expenses. My mom for example did not know I had developed asthma until I had an attack. She was scared, without money, and without transportation. My neighbor at the time actually rushed me to the hospital. My neighbor was pretty well off and my mom was struggling to put food on the table then. He paid for all my medical expenses because my dad had cut us out of his insurance by then. We needed Obamacare then, but it still had not been implemented. Not everyone is as lucky as I was. People in my neighborhood would avoid going to the doctor due to

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