Force Monologue

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It all started long long ago in a galaxy far far away. (9:00 Am)Waking up on warm morning as always something seemed wrong. The pod race was today. And I, a little kid was to be going up against full grown aliens that have been training for this longer than I've been alive. But I felt something, something guiding me, something that knows what to do better than any mortal could. But even with this mysterious force I guess we could call it , I'm still very nervous. (2:00 PM) Wow, I won.That was very unexpected. A few guys blew up, actually a lot of people blew up. But I didn't even break a sweat. That "force" guided me to victory. Many people asked for my name some of them looked rather shady, but this is a planet of aliens so I guess everyone …show more content…

Many realized I had a power. And after I got trained in this "force" by Qui gon. But he was murdered. Darth Maul, he is evil at heart. I loved him. But he was struck down. I will never become like that he is too powerful for his own good, and he got what he deserved. Obi Wan promised to take care of me. He and Master Yoda will train me to get me powerful and a master of this "force". (10 years later) I have trained long and hard for ten years, and I think I am finally a Jedi. But this is going to be a daring test. We are to be executed. But we are planning an attack on the coliseum. Mace Windu and all the Jedi will help but if the attack fails, we will all …show more content…

Actually everyone has. I was explaining this to senator palpetine and he said he could show me something. And he told me that the Jedi council were planning to betray him and that I should watch out. He explained why they can not be trusted. And what he said made a lot of sense, and I've looked at them objectively since. He also told be about the tragedy of Darth Plagueis. He said he kept people he loved alive by using that dark force. I asked whether I could learn this power. He said "Not from a Jedi". I am being excluded from the council. They won't let me fight general grievous. I am going to report to chancellor palpetine about this. He is going to help me learn the subtleties of the force, the Jedi won't so I might as well do it. "How do you know the dark side?" "I am a lord of the sith Anakin" Oh my god. He is a Sith Lord. I will have to turn him in to the Jedi council. "Chancellor palpetine is a Sith Lord" I said Windu replies "Our worst fears have been realized, stay here we must inform the Jedi Council." "Why can't I go with you?" I asked "It's too

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