Football Monologue

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The game of football saved my life. Not literally, of course, but it saved me from going down a path that I desperately needed to avoid. When I began playing football in the fourth grade, it was a tentative probe of the sport; one that was encouraged by my Cub Scout leader and father alike, but not forced on me. I showed promising signs of strength for my age, and my big, slightly chubby frame was deemed a perfect fit for a lineman. That summer, I received my equipment and was thrust into a pre-season routine to which I would become very accustomed over the years. It wasn’t until I reached middle school that I began acting out. It was likely puberty, trying out different personas, wanting to grow up fast, or a mix of all three. I was too young to see “down the road” and realize that my decision to ignore schoolwork would affect my entire life. I developed a bad attitude towards people and hard work. If it wasn’t for my involvement in football, I would’ve continued down the wrong path. The game of football instilled many values in me that proved vital in my transformation into a productive person. It taught me the value of hard work. I learned that you simply cannot succeed if the will isn’t there to back up your desire. Unlike other activities that engage a young kid, football shows actual, immediate results from …show more content…

It is a brotherhood. I met my best friends, my brothers, who learned the same values and live by them as well. No matter what challenges you face, you stick by the people around you. You commit to the pursuit of excellence, even though it’s never absolutely attainable. I developed relationships with my coaches, who continue to mentor and lead me in the right direction. Men who instilled in me a drive to succeed, both on and off the field. As a result of the game of football, I surrounded myself with a strong support network of like-minded individuals who have shaped me into the person I am

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