Daniel J. Flynn's Argument Of Why Football Does A Body Good

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Daniel J. Flynn’s argument of why Football Does a Body Good is extremely convincing. The evidence that he presents throughout the essay debunks the counterargument of how dangerous football can be. The essays is full of statistics and examples of how football can positively benefit you. The facts that are presented are effectively used to refute all the negative claims against the dangers of football. He successfully argues toward the benefit of football by presenting appeals to reason, and showcasing his credibility throughout the essay, but he unfortunately does not keep an unbiased tone for the duration of the essay. Aristotle’s three proofs are logos, ethos, and pathos. The brilliant philosopher said in order to have and effective argumentative essay, one must use an appropriate balance of two of the three proofs- logos and ethos. Flynn uses an abundant amount of logos (logical data, facts, and statistics) throughout his essay. He lets the facts be the primary focus of the argument. …show more content…

He is a very credible author. The spectator.org runs a regular column for him to display pieces he writes; he also appears in many other modes of publication. In addition to public sources he is shown in, he also runs a blog about sports. With all that has been accomplished by Flynn it would be accurate to state that he is a qualified author. Throughout the essay, he also presents many other sources he uses to support his argument. All of the sources he uses appears credible and reliable. Manipulation is not apparent throughout any of the essay in any way to make a reader hesitant to side with him, rather causing readers to develop trust toward Flynn. Further into the essay the readers find out that he not only is aware and knowledgeable about football but he has personal experience regarding the topic. He says, “When I played football in high school… Football never bruised my

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