Food Conservation

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What is food?

Food is any matter consumed to obtain nutritional sustenance for the living organisms. It may be of animal or plant origin, usually consisting of nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. It is orally ingested and after passing through a series of processes involving enzymatic actions it is assimilated and the energy obtained is used by the organism to carry out processes like growth, maintenance of life and carrying out physical activities.

Right to Food

One of the fundamental human rights includes the right of food. This right protects all humans from the horrors of starvation, food insecurity and malnutrition. This right enables all the people to feed themselves while holding onto their dignity and cannot be termed as charity.

This right is guaranteed by a number of International law enforcers like the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). It is also included in the national constitutions of numerous countries.

When we use the term “Right to Food”, we imply three basic responsibilities of the state i.e, To respect, protect and to fulfill. To respect means that the state is bound not to take any measurements that can dispossess people by means of accessing food. To protect signifies the fact that the state should have laws and apposite actions that averts other individuals or corporations from infringing other people’s right to food and lastly to fulfill indicates that the state should dynamic...

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