Folk Painting Essay

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History of Folk Paintings
India had always been known as the land that depicted cultural and traditional vibrancy through its conventional arts and crafts. The 35 states and union territories sprawled across the country have their own distinct cultural and traditional identities, and are displayed through various forms of art prevalent here. Every region in India has its own style and pattern of art, which is known as folk art. Other than folk art, there is yet another form of traditional art practiced by several tribes or rural population, which is classified as tribal art. The folk and tribal arts of India are extremely ethnic and simple, and yet colorful and vibrant enough to speak volumes for the country's rich heritage. …show more content…

Dots, squares, vertical and horizontal lines, human and animal figures both abstract and illustrative can be found in rock shelters and caves. They are found on the seals and amulets of the Indus valley. References to folk paintings are found in early classical texts. The Vishnudharmottara Purana, an ancient piece of painting refers to dhuli chitra (use of powder colours) and rasa chitras (use of wet colours).

The tradition of painting has been carried from the ancient times to the Indian subcontinent. As a proof to this fact are the exquisite murals of Ajanta and Ellora, Buddhist palm leaf manuscripts, Mughal and Kangra schools of miniature Indian paintings, etc. Infect, records have been found that indicate the usage of paintings for decorating the doorways, guest rooms, etc. Some traditional Indian paintings, similar to those cave paintings Ajanta, Bagh and Sittanvasal, depict a love for nature and its forces. (Source:

With time, Indian classical paintings evolved to become a variety of merger and the various traditions influencing them. Even the folk painting of India has become quite popular amongst art lovers, both at the national and the international level as the majority of the folk paintings reflect a heavy influence of the local customs and

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