Foil Characters In Romeo And Juliet Essay

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Collision of Personalities Personalities collide to create uniqueness and a difference in emotions and in reality, providing connections between people impacting their lives. While literary devices help improve the understanding of what people are reading, by creating a more vivid image in the reader's mind. Then, making the reader recall memories that can make them relate back to past experiences. In the story Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare the author uses the literary device foil. That is when two characters’ personalities are completely opposite of one another to accentuate each other. In the story Romeo and Juliet, there are two families, the Montagues and the Capulets, who wish to bring peace between each other. The families then have a difficult struggle with obtaining that goal. Every time a Montague and a Capulet come across one another they cannot help but to start bickering. The Montagues and the Capulets’ personalities intertwine to create a difference in emotions and change their feelings completely. William Shakespeare uses the literary device foil throughout his story Romeo and Juliet, while the foil …show more content…

Benvolio likes peace and despises fighting, while Tybalt admires fighting, hates peace, and hates the Montagues. In the streets of Verona, a fight breaks out between the Montague and Capulet families. The fight begins with a Capulet servant biting his thumb at the Montagues. During the fight, Benvolio screams, “Part fools! Put up your swords you know not what you do” (I.i.66-67). Benvolio loathes fighting and would rather keep the town composed. Thereafter, Tybalt yells “What drawn and talk of peace? I hate hell, all Montagues and thee” (I.i.72-73). Tybalt does not like peace and wants to fight the Montagues. The characters Benvolio and Tybalt have that foil relationship, that brings out the worst and the best of them. It also projects the feud between the Montague and Capulet

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