Religious Diversity: Navigating Beliefs and Societal Pressure

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Flying Spaghetti Monster, by Bobby Henderson

Religion has been at the forefront of culture for centuries. More than half of the households across America hold some relic of the higher power of their choosing. There is a huge selection to choose from; Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, etc. With all of them having their own drastic rule points and strict guidelines to abide by. Many wars have been fought over the subject of whose mythical man is superior. Ironically enough those without such pious beliefs get scrutinized more than those who try to validate their own deities by labeling others as false. With social justice outrage at an all time high, anyone with an opinion veering anywhere off the majorities consensus is crucified and branded a nihilist …show more content…

Even if you may hate the thought that someone would go out and “tarnish” the “sanctity” of religion; you can’t deny the fact that this is getting traction. Whether you like it or not this is becoming the socially accepted standards no matter what side of the fence you’re standing on. In closing, people should be able to believe in whatever fallacies that choose as long as it doesn’t affect how their fellow man lives their lives. If you want to sit in a pew amongst some of the most judgmental narcissist imaginable go ahead; let the communion crackers forever be in your favor. Maybe you want to sit in room on a prayer mat as thin a tissue paper and slowly choke from smoke inhalation from the hundreds of incense you burned. Or even dress up in pirate regalia and worship a carb based god. Whatever you choose to do know to keep it to yourself, because no one really

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