Flowers For Algernon By Daniel Keyes

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This is “Charly”. This movie is based on the book “Flowers For Algernon” By Daniel Keyes. Essentially, this is about a person named “Charlie Gordon” receiving the opportunity of a special transplant in his brain to improve his I.Q by 98%, however the transplant is only temporary, and he slowly ends up losing the smartness he once had. The movie was directed by Ralph Nelson and the characters are played (from at the time) popular voice actors such as Cliff Robinson as Charly. Today, I’ll be analyising this heartwarming and wonderful movie, and see if it’s good for you, and many others, to watch. To put the movie in a basic summary; Charly Gordon (Spelled differently for disclosed reasons) is a middle-aged man child who is mostly known for having a such febrile brain amongst his peers. Even so, Charly attents an adult school to grow his mentality much more since he acknowledges his retardness. After a while, he is given a transplant that was proven to make his brain way smarter, however it ends up only being temporary, and he ends up losing all of his intellegence to the point where he goes back to square one again; a manchild lost in our cruel world. …show more content…

The reason for this specific theme is because once Charly regained intellegence, he ended up getting fame, fortune, a lovely girlfriend, and he saw things he never seen before in his life. Even though it lasted for a short period of time, at least he was able to experience

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