Five Pillars Of Christianity

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A Christian is a person who believes in Christianity. They profess their belief in Jesus as Christ. The bible explains what it means to be a true Christian. It states that the followers of Jesus Christ were first called Christians because of how they behaved, their activity, and their speech were like that of Christ. The word originally meant “belonging to the party of Christ” or a “follower” of Christ. Over time though the word Christian has been lost of what it truly means. Nowadays people use the word as someone who is religious, does good things, and goes to church, but some of these people may or may not actually be a follower of Jesus Christ. Just simply being a good person and going to church does not make you a Christian, you have to be a follower of Jesus and believe and trust in him as your savior (GotQuestions). On the other hand, a Muslim is a person who believes in the Islamic faith. Muslims follow the teachings of the Qur’an and they work to praise Allah their God by using the Five Pillars. The Five Pillars state that there is no deity but Allah, they must say the five ritual prayers every day, …show more content…

They are both monotheistic religions which means that they only believe in one God. They also both live by some of the same principles such as you shall only worship one God and not any other deities. These two religions also differ. Muslims do not believe in the Trinity, they believe that Jesus was a prophet of God not the son of God, and they also do not believe that Jesus died on the cross, but Christians believe that all of these things are true. Christians believe in the Bible which states that a person who has been sinful cannot live up to the holy God and only by the grace of God can sinners be saved through their faith in Jesus. On the other hand, Muslims believe in the Qur’an and that they can reach heaven by keeping the Five Pillars

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