Five Day School Week

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What if instead of going to school for five days a week you only went for three or four? I like most students, I would appreciate that and would enjoy the longer weekend and it would give the students time to relax and relieve stress from the constant homework and classwork. The problem is that Having between four and six classes five days a week can really take a toll on your mental and physical health. The constant new information is alot and maybe even too much for your brain to handle so you can only remember a couple of things and then you end up failing some of the test because you forgot the information and passing others because you only held onto that little bit of information. Some schools in Colorado have already switched to the four or three days a week of school and the results are very promising. The students started doing better on test and classwork. The extra one to two days really lets your mind relax without forgetting all of the information that you had learned. I personally would enjoy the longer weekend and wouldn’t mind the extra hour or two of school on those days. I think everyone would like that idea. The school day is primarily seven hours long. Most students have a wide range of after-school activities. Some …show more content…

Transportation costs including fuel, bus maintenance and driver salaries are reduced. Also, if facilities are used only four days per week instead of five, there is a significant reduction in utility costs to the system. Money spent to fund school breakfast and lunch programs are reduced by 20 percent, as is spending associated with all hourly cafeteria and custodial workers. Over time, this 20 percent decrease could add up and those funds could be used towards more important things or paying off debt if there is any. Plus on that extra day, parents could schedule appointments or other things the family needs

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