Fish And Game Wardens

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Fish and Game Warden I have decided to do my Career Research Paper on Fish and Game Warden. Fish and Game Warden involve being with people and with the environment and trying to keep bad people from doing bad things. I have thought about becoming a Fish and Game Warden for about 3 to 4 years now. The reason I researched it was because I like to hunt and fish and be outdoors and I think this job would be perfect for me. After researching the career of a funeral direction, I have not decided to pursue this career. Concerning typical daily tasks, Fish and Game Wardens are required to do many challenging thing. Game Wardens are required to do task like police. For example, they have to issue tickets and citations or arrest people who violate laws. …show more content…

Game Wardens have to communicate with supervisors, peers, or subordinates. If people run into a danger use situation I may have to convince others to buy goods or change their minds or actions. (“Common Work Activities” 1). These common work activities seem reasonable. I could handle convince others to do the right thing. I like to solve problems and most Game Wardens run into alot of problems. The Working Conditions, are good since I like the outdoors. Game Wardens have to operate vehicles or mechanized equipment.Game Wardens would have to get information needed for the job or person that they are looking for (“Working Conditions” 1). Well I like the outdoors a lot so I would like the conditions. Also Game Wardens drive a truck around all day and boats also atv’s which I already know how to do and I also so like to drive. The hardest thing would be looking for information need to find someone or the job. Physical Demands of a Game Warden are. To be able to use their hands to handle, control, or feel objects, tools, or controls. Game Wardens have to be able to sit or stand for a long time. Game Wardens may have to understand the speech of another person (“Physical Demands” 1). The demands for this job are simple. I like to work with my hands and to operate objects. I would have to learn other languages so I could understand different types of …show more content…

A Game Warden make about $50,880 a year in the united states. Most of the game wardens make $24.46 an hour. Wages increase as workers advance in the government ranking system (“Wages” 1). I myself could survive to make that much a year. I really don't need much, so I could probably save a lot of my money. Also, I would like the paid vacation and sick leave also the health insurance that Game Wardens get with the job, saves me a lot of money. The employment and outlook of Game Wardens vary from year to year. Game Wardens due to how much money the state has. There is only 200 annual openings in the United States. The growth is 10.8%(“Employment and Outlook” 1). I think the more education people have the easier the job will be to get. Also, I may have to find a state with a lot of money so it is easier to get. The chance are small to get but if I work hard I think I’ll make it. The Interest and Values of Game Wardens mostly one being outside. Game Wardens use there hands a lot. They also like problems and solutions. They consider good working conditions also (“Interests and Values” 1). I like being outside and working with the environment. The problems and solutions seems like a challenge, and I'm always up for an challenge. I like keeping stuff clean and my work space clean, so I guess I like good working

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