First Woman President Research Paper

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A man who has never held a political position is ready to be sworn in come January, and now I have to wonder; where do we go from here? Although I was hopeful that we would see the first woman president, I have not lost faith in the progress that we as a country have made. Clinton, having won the popular vote despite her shortcomings in the electorate, has made history as the first female presidential nominee of a major political party. Instead of focusing on how close she was to become president, let us hone in on the cracks in the glass ceiling that have been made. I am hopeful for a future where a woman will become president, and although it did not happen this time, Clinton's tenacity and strong campaign are to be admired. Clinton was not the only politician up for making history this week. Ilhan Omar became the first Somali-American legislator in American history when she was elected Minnesota State Representative. She spend years in a Kenyan refugee camp as a child, and then came to the United States. This incredible feat in the wake of a refugee crisis shows hope is alive and well. Another bright light in the recent election was Kate Brown in Oregon, who is the first openly LGBT governor. This progression for women and people of color in politics is hope personified. The first Latina …show more content…

Trump's candidacy was marred by racism, xenophobia and misogyny. Moreover, having a president whose vulgar actions and words reflect on us, the people, make the world a little more dangerous for women, Muslims, people of color, and the ones in the LGBTQ community. Despite this, it is too large a generalization and pessimistic view to assume that Mr. Trump's electoral votes were won from a place of hate. His favor among the white middle class was supposedly based on their dissatisfaction with Washington and Mr. Trump’s promise to return outsourced job through immigration and economic

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