First Love Angela Patrick Analysis

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The Tree of Life ‘He was my first love.’ In the story ‘First Love’, Angela Patrick writes abou a young girl and her boyfriend, the young girl who is invested in love and willing to be with her boyfriend and help him ‘find answers’ to sa one who is aware that young love is not eternal and is prepared for the blunt truth revealing not everything will be with you forever and one will need to accept that to mature. On one beautiful march day, the young girl and her boyfriend are driving to her house. Along the way she thinks about why she loves this boy, He does not show off, He actually thinks about things, he knows he doesn't know everything, and he wants to ‘find all of the answers.’ “It [made][her] excited because [she] want to help him …show more content…

This girl is loving the fact he admits he doesn’t know everything, She loves the fact he wants to know and find the answers, She love him so much she wants to help him ‘find the answers’. This girl is like a toddler, in the fact that she is always following her boyfriend, trying to help because she loves him, but maybe not comply grasping on what he is trying to do. After playing a goofy game of one on one basketball, the pair begins to follow a trail behind her house. They cross a river, the boy helping his girlfriend across, they mess around near a pond, the boy pretending to throw her in, finally, the two sit in a nearby forest. After talking for a while, the boy bets that he can climb a huge tree, She watches while he ascends the tree. Once he reaches the top, he calls down, and when the girl looks up, she begins to cry, she could not explain even to herself why she broke down. Afterwards when looking back on that day she knew that “tomorrow, or next week, or next month, the joy would be all gone-gone to someone else and so would he”(Patrick3). Just that small change of perspective, just seeing him up on the top of that tree, the first boy she had loved, against the tree of her life, she realized that someone that seems will last forever will almost always, like

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